catkit.flow package


catkit.flow.fwespresso module

catkit.flow.fwio module


A function to covert all arrays in a structure of embeded dictionaries and lists into lists themselves.


Converts an list of atoms objects to an encoding from a .traj file.

catkit.flow.fwio.encode_to_atoms(encode, out_file='input.traj')[source]

Dump the encoding to a local traj file.

catkit.flow.hpcio module

catkit.flow.qeio module

Module contents

Catalysis WorkFlow.

class catkit.flow.Laminar(host, username=None, name=None, password=None)[source]

Simple submission script helper for CatFlow.

bulk_relaxation(atoms, parameters, spec=None)[source]

Run a relaxation of a given DB entry or atoms object. If a database object is used, the calculation will automatically store the keys and data for later retrieval.

The entries uuid will also be stored and \(data.calculator_parameters\) will be used as the calculation parameters.

  • images (Atoms object) – Initial atoms to perform workflow on.
  • parameters (dict) – Calculation parameters to use.
  • workflow_name (str) – Name of the fireworks calculation to be used.
  • spec (dict) – Additional fireworks specifications to pass to the database.
submit_relaxation(image, workflow_name, parameters=None, spec=None)[source]

Run a relaxation of a given DB entry or atoms object. If a database object is used, the calculation will automatically store the keys and data for later retrieval.

The entries uuid will also be stored and \(data.calculator_parameters\) will be used as the calculation parameters.

  • images (Atoms object | AtomsRow object) – ASE database entry or atoms object to relax.
  • workflow_name (str) – Name of the fireworks calculation to be used.
  • parameters (dict) – Calculation parameters to use. Will be pulled from a database entry \(data.calculator_parameters\).
  • spec (dict) – Additional fireworks specifications to pass to the database.
submit_relaxation_db(database, spec=None)[source]

Submit each entry of an ASE database for relaxation. This requires that the calculation parameters be stored in the data under \(data.calculator_parameters\).

  • database (str) – Path to ASE database to be looped over for relaxation.
  • spec (dict) – Additional specification to be passed to Fireworks.