Source code for catkit.gen.molecules

import catkit
import networkx as nx
import itertools
import numpy as np

[docs]def bin_hydrogen(hydrogens=1, bins=1): """Recursive function for determining distributions of hydrogens across bins. """ if bins == 1: yield [hydrogens] elif hydrogens == 0: yield [0] * bins else: for i in range(hydrogens + 1): for j in bin_hydrogen(hydrogens - i, 1): for k in bin_hydrogen(i, bins - 1): yield j + k
[docs]def hydrogenate(atoms, bins, copy=True): """Add hydrogens to a gratoms object via provided bins""" h_index = len(atoms) edges = [] for i, j in enumerate(bins): for _ in range(j): edges += [(i, h_index)] h_index += 1 if copy: atoms = atoms.copy() atoms += catkit.Gratoms('H{}'.format(sum(bins))) atoms.graph.add_edges_from(edges) return atoms
[docs]def get_topologies(symbols, saturate=False): """Return the possible topologies of a given chemical species. Parameters ---------- symbols : str Atomic symbols to construct the topologies from. saturate : bool Saturate the molecule with hydrogen based on the default.radicals set. Returns ------- molecules : list (N,) Gratoms objects with unique connectivity matrix attached. No 3D positions will be provided for these structures. """ num, cnt = catkit.gen.utils.get_atomic_numbers(symbols, True) mcnt = cnt[num != 1] mnum = num[num != 1] if cnt[num == 1]: hcnt = cnt[num == 1][0] else: hcnt = 0 elements = np.repeat(mnum, mcnt) max_degree = catkit.gen.defaults.get('radicals')[elements] n = mcnt.sum() hmax = int(max_degree.sum() - (n - 1) * 2) if hcnt > hmax: hcnt = hmax if saturate: hcnt = hmax if n == 1: atoms = catkit.Gratoms(elements, cell=[1, 1, 1]) hatoms = hydrogenate(atoms, np.array([hcnt])) return [hatoms] elif n == 0: hatoms = catkit.Gratoms('H{}'.format(hcnt)) if hcnt == 2: hatoms.graph.add_edge(0, 1, bonds=1) return [hatoms] ln = np.arange(n).sum() il = np.tril_indices(n, -1) backbones, molecules = [], [] combos = itertools.combinations(np.arange(ln), n - 1) for c in combos: # Construct the connectivity matrix ltm = np.zeros(ln) ltm[np.atleast_2d(c)] = 1 connectivity = np.zeros((n, n)) connectivity[il] = ltm connectivity = np.maximum(connectivity, connectivity.T) degree = connectivity.sum(axis=0) # Not fully connected (subgraph) if np.any(degree == 0) or not \ nx.is_connected(nx.from_numpy_matrix(connectivity)): continue # Overbonded atoms. remaining_bonds = (max_degree - degree).astype(int) if np.any(remaining_bonds < 0): continue atoms = catkit.Gratoms( numbers=elements, edges=connectivity, cell=[1, 1, 1]) isomorph = False for G0 in backbones: if atoms.is_isomorph(G0): isomorph = True break if not isomorph: backbones += [atoms] # The backbone is saturated, do not enumerate if hcnt == hmax: hatoms = hydrogenate(atoms, remaining_bonds) molecules += [hatoms] continue # Enumerate hydrogens across backbone for bins in bin_hydrogen(hcnt, n): if not np.all(bins <= remaining_bonds): continue hatoms = hydrogenate(atoms, bins) isomorph = False for G0 in molecules: if hatoms.is_isomorph(G0): isomorph = True break if not isomorph: molecules += [hatoms] return molecules
[docs]def get_3D_positions(atoms, bond_index=None): """Return an estimation of the 3D structure of a Gratoms object based on its graph. WARNING: This function operates on the atoms object in-place. Parameters ---------- atoms : Gratoms object Structure with connectivity matrix to provide a 3D structure. bond_index : int Index of the atoms to consider as the origin of a surface bonding site. Returns ------- atoms : Gratoms object Structure with updated 3D positions. """ branches = nx.dfs_successors(atoms.graph, bond_index) complete = [] for i, branch in enumerate(branches.items()): root, nodes = branch if len(nodes) == 0: continue c0 = atoms[root].position if i == 0: basis = catkit.gen.utils.get_basis_vectors([c0, [0, 0, -1]]) else: bond_index = None for j, base_root in enumerate(complete): if root in branches[base_root]: c1 = atoms[base_root].position # Flip the basis for every alternate step down the chain. basis = catkit.gen.utils.get_basis_vectors([c0, c1]) if (i - j) % 2 != 0: basis[2] *= -1 break complete.insert(0, root) positions = _branch_molecule(atoms, branch, basis, bond_index) atoms.positions[nodes] = positions return atoms
def _branch_molecule( atoms, branch, basis=None, adsorption=None): """Return the positions of a Gratoms object for a segment of its attached graph. This function is mean to be iterated over by a depth first search form NetworkX. Parameters ---------- atoms : Gratoms object Gratoms object to be iterated over. Will have its positions altered in-place. branch : tuple (1, [N,]) A single entry from the output of nx.bfs_successors. The first entry is the root node and the following list is the nodes branching from the root. basis : ndarray (3, 3) The basis vectors to use for this step of the branching. adsorption : bool If True, will construct the molecule as though there is a surface normal to the negative z-axis. Must be None for all but the first index in the depth first search. Returns ------- positions : ndarray (N, 3) Estimated positions for the branch nodes. """ root, nodes = branch root_position = atoms[root].position radii = catkit.gen.defaults.get('radii') atomic_numbers = atoms.numbers[[root] + nodes] atomic_radii = radii[atomic_numbers] dist = (atomic_radii[0] + atomic_radii[1:])[:, None] angles = np.array([109.47, 109.47, 109.47, 0]) dihedral = np.array([0, 120, -120, 0]) if adsorption: # Move adsorption structures away from surface angles += 15 # Tetrahedral bond arrangement by default n = len(nodes) if n == 1: # Linear bond arrangement angles[0] = 180 elif n == 2: # Trigonal-planer bond arrangement angles[:2] = 120 dihedral[1] = 180 # Place the atoms of this segment of the branch if basis is None: basis = catkit.gen.utils.get_basis_vectors( [root_position, [0, 0, -1]]) basis = np.repeat(basis[None, :, :], len(dist), axis=0) ang = np.deg2rad(angles)[:len(dist), None] tor = np.deg2rad(dihedral)[:len(dist), None] basis[:, 1] *= -np.sin(tor) basis[:, 2] *= np.cos(tor) vectors = basis[:, 1] + basis[:, 2] vectors *= dist * np.sin(ang) basis[:, 0] *= dist * np.cos(ang) positions = vectors + root_position - basis[:, 0] return positions